Our idea of a school:
“Where the mind is without fear
And head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where, the words come out from the depth of truth.
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection
Where the clear streams of reasons has not lost its way
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit.
Where the mind is bed forward by thee
Into ever widening thought and action.”
As a Chairman it is a pleasure for me to communicate to one and all. Here our quest is towards the noble cause to make education accessible and affordable to saplings that will not only grow, but with excellence. We are committed not only to provide the students with state-of-the-art infrastructure and technology but our hardworking teachers are trying to kindle the feeling of humanity, humbleness, nobility and brotherhood in them. Our Mission is based on spirituality and human values, which we try to inculcate through moral education into the young minds which will in return to the society by making it a better place to live in. Our aspirations can be fulfilled with the benevolent cooperation and recognition of our teachers, students and parents. We are firm and determined in our outlook and approach. I would like to extend my heartiest felicitations and gratitude to all the parents for having faith in our institution. I would like to invite all those parents who are yet to join our dream. We need your participation and involvement in helping our children to shape their efforts on their way to destiny.
With Best Wishes
Sunita Arora