Elocution Competition Conducted By State Bank of India

Elocution Competition Conducted By State Bank of India

5 November, 2016, New Delhi: The renowned bank State Bank of India, Greater Kailash Branch had recently celebrated Vigilance Awareness Week from 31st October to 5th November, 2016. Under the series of celebration, SBI had given an opportunity to Sant Nirankari Public School, Govindpuri by conducting an Elocution Competition where the students have showcased their talent by expressing their views on the topic “How to fight against Corruption .The Elocution Competition was held in the presence of prestigious members Mr. K Sumrajan (Deputy General Manager, SBI) , Mr Vipin Chopra (Assistant General Manager,SBI) from Vigilance Depeartment ,Mrs Asha Kapoor (Academic Convener OF Sant Nirankari Public Schools) , Mrs Savita (an active member of Committee of the school) and Mrs. Neeraj Mahipal Chawla ( Principal).The competition was categorized under 3 categories for classes 6, 7 and8 in which they were given different topics of Corruption that consisted of Corruption in different fields like Economy, Medical field, Education etc. There were total 12 participants and all the participants performed exceptionally well. Saumya Maurya(6), Saif Ali (7) and Vibhati Kataria (8) showed an amazing performance and were declared as winners of the competition and were rewarded with a cash prize of Rs 2000 along with a certificate issued by the SBI. All young participants were also boosted up by the judges by giving a cash prize of Rs. 250 for the participation along with a certificate. The competition also gave a lot of encouragement and confidence to all the students who were present there as audience. The event was culminated with a few words of encouragement by Mr. K Sumrajan and Mrs Asha Kapoor Ji.
Event concluded with an oath to fight against corruption at our personal levels to make a change in the society.

Elocution Competition Conducted By State Bank of India